The Original Biomat

Biomat Arthritis Pain Relief

A Safer, Holistic Alternative

Legal Statement: "The Biomat is indicated for the temporary relief of minor muscle and joint pain and stiffness; the temporary relief of joint pain associated with arthritis; the temporary relief of muscle spasms, minor sprains and strains, and minor muscular back pain; the relaxation of muscles; and the temporary increase of local circulation where applied."

Deep Penetrating Heat

The Biomat soothes arthritis pain by delivering warm infrared heat to the affected areas. The infrared rays penetrate deep into the body providing relief where no sports creams or patches can reach.

“I had been suffering from osteoarthrits for 10 years. I strongly dislike taking medication and was willing to try anything to get rid of the pain. I immediately began to feel relief within the first week... I am totally sold on the healing power of this wonderful product and am recommending it to others.”
- K. Allen
Biomat Professional

Increased Mobility

The Biomat’s infrared therapy effectively reduces the pain and stiffness associated with arthrits. The Biomat® relaxes your body and increases mobility so you can take on the day.

Arthritis Hand
“My work is exceedingly physical and I have had arthrits and mobility issues for decades. The Biomat is one component in an overall strategy to stay healthy and mobile, and to be able to continue working for as long as possible. For the record, the Biomat® is my only pain treatment. Nowadays, i have little to no awareness that I have arthrits at all.”
- Catherine

Increased Circulation

The warmth of the Biomat® increases your blood circulation. This boost in blood flow brings oxygen and nutrients to injury sites, reducing inflammation and promoting the body’s natural healing process.

“By my fourth (Biomat) session, not only was I walking up the stairs easier, I was actually able to walk up a steep hill in my neighborhood! The Biomat® sessions really helped to reduce the pain and inflammation I was feeling so I have no problem recommending it to anyone with arthritic problems.”
- Alison

Arthritis Picture

There are many ways to treat arthritis pain, and it all comes down to understanding your condition. Arthritis is an umbrella term for over 100 different types of joint diseases. Treatment is often medication. However, if you do not want to be one of the 16,500 who unnecessarily die each year from arthritis medications, you may want to consider other options . Some forms of arthritis pain can be managed through natural treatments, exercise, losing weight, physical therapy, acupuncture, tai chi and surgery.

Treatments for arthritis should be tailored for the individual’s specific needs. The type and severity vary from person to person. Healthcare professionals should balance the risks and benefits of each treatment, to meet the personal needs of the patient. Singh Gurkirpal, MD, “Recent Considerations in Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug Gastropathy”, The American Journal of Medicine,